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The Botanical Garden

The Botanical Garden is now an urban park encircled by the road network of the northern quarter of Brussels. From its initial purpose as a botanical garden, it preserves a melange of styles (French, Italian, and English) and a great variety of trees and plants.

Extending over more than 6 ha, this terraced park was opened in 1829. The highest terrace, at the foot of the orangery, has a geometric structure in the French style.

The intermediate level, in the Italian style, includes a star-shaped rose garden and the Iris Garden, where some 40 varieties of iris, the symbol of the Brussels-Capital Region, bloom from April to June.

The final part of the garden gently slopes toward the pond along sinuous paths. The lawns are sprinkled with trees and enclose rest areas.

Nowadays, the Botanical Garden still houses 30 of the 52 bronze sculptures that decorated it at the end of the 19th century.

Since it has provided the management, Brussels Environment has replanted trees, shrubs, bushes, plants and flowers with a real botanical interest. But the landscapers have given priority to creating ambiances, highlighting the beauty of a given plant. In short, designing a beautiful and pleasant garden.


65 Rue Botanique
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