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Initiated in 2009-2010, this project involves the OXY 15 neighbourhood, located inside the perimeter formed by Dieweg, the Chaussée d’Alsemberg, Avenue Brugmann and Avenue de Wolvendael. Several activities have already been conducted, such as creation of the Wolvendael collective composting site or the establishment of an organic food basket system. The project has developed around four themes. Rational use of energy: by the children of a neighbourhood school, sensitisation of residents through observation of energy losses in housing. Waste: providing information on composting methods before later establishing a second collective composting site within the neighbourhood. Heritage: publication of a brochure that will highlight the special features of the neighbourhood, the result of a joint study involving the residents and several specialists. Several discovery walks have already been organised. Living together: consideration of the shared use (automobiles, bicycles, pedestrians) of the neighbourhood streets, development of public poster panels and neighbourhood signposting, a neighbourhood party, etc.


50B Avenue Vanderaey
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